Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Rainy days and Wednesdays.

Rainy days and Wednesdays.
feeling: weak
music: christmas crooners - i'll be home for christmas

3.5 hours before my first paper in CS commences. A part of me doesn't want the hour to start, yet another part is anxious to be done with all the five papers. This reminds me of relationship dialetics. Autonomy/connection; openness/closedness; novelty/predictability. So what is this, avoidance/acceptance? Hahaha. Freedom's seven days away. Seems like an awfully long time actually. I'll look forward to Thursday first then.

Have I ever told you that I detest studying for tests and exams? It, quite ironically, makes me feel brain-dead.

Exams are akin to those lose-weight programs. Constant weigh-ins and measurements by the consultant to ensure that you have been working hard at the gym. How's that for an analogy!

A new entry for the list of 1001 Things You Shouldn't Do When Studying For The Exams, courtesy of Shannon.

1. Do not borrow tempting travel gudes
2. Do not change your blogskins

The flu bug's a vicious cycle on repeat in my house. Mom, me, dad, aunt. Mom was down on Monday, and I'm beginning to feel the discomfort. Just popped a Panadol, and am praying it wouldn't morph into full-blown sniffles. Am gonna bring the tissues just in case.

Off for lunch and a shower. Then off I'll brave the rain to the battlefield. Haha.

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