Monday, November 13, 2006

Bitch. Coffee. Books.

Bitch. Coffee. Books.
A photolog of our evening of crazy antics.

This is us at Starbucks Holland Village. With carols playing on the speakers and a steaming mug of Toffee Nut Latte each, it sure did feel like Christmas. In case you're wondering, the weird drawing is Michelle's abstract interpretation of a lion.

Taking a break from the notes, I decided to practise some (very bad) photojournalism. I present to you the four-stage breakdown of Michelle's mental health.

1. "Shit, what the hell is foraging communities?"
2. Signs of distress
3. Self-induced laughter. "What the hell is foraging??? Hahahahahahahahaa."
4. "I can't take it anymore!"

Pardon her finger. We are after all dealing with a highly volatile stressed university student.

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