Sunday, January 16, 2005

Saturday Evening - Back To The Past

Saturday Evening - Back To The Past

Boy, it's been an enriching evening. Caught a movie; stepped into a Polo Ralph Lauren (did I get the pompous name right?) boutique for the first time; explored the Esplanade library; checked out The Arts House; discovered a hidden street; and listened to a running history commentary by Justin. Let's start.

Alfie was mediocre - like Justin said, it'd prolly have been normal if the hot hot hot Jude Law wasn't starring. I don't look 18 do I? I had to have my IC checked before I was allowed entry to the cinema. Haha.

Did a little shoe shopping after that. I've got my eyes on Reebok Classic Princess; this pair of cream coloured Puma trainers; as well as a pair of grey-striped Adidas. Will prolly make my choice when I'm out tomorrow.
Passed by the Ralph Lauren boutique on our way to the Esplanade, and I commented that I haven't been inside one. So with Justin leading the way, we went in, walked around ONE shelf, and headed out, all in about 10 seconds? Lol.

My exploration of the Esplanade library today has given me second thoughts about putting off paying my library fine. The collection of videos/vcds/dvds is extensive and I can't wait to start borrowing them. It's impossible right now though, considering that I've yet to pay off the fine I incurred in Primary 5, and I believe it amounts to $17.51, if I remember correctly. I am a bad citizen. Oh well, better now than never.

Headed to The Arts House with the intention of checking out the live band at Stage Door Cafe or something, but we were lured by a photo exhibition, starring a soft-toy zebra and a soft-toy elephant. The captions were hilarious. Would have taken pictures if there weren't security guards around, but trust me, it is worth checking out. Very localised; very nice.
Do you know they've got a screening studio over at The Arts House as well? There was this huge black thingy that said Box Office, but we couldn't find the entrance or any movie listings. The Barang Barang lookalike giftshop over there had the most wonderful Peranakan trinkets, but at cut-throat prices.

Subconsciously explored the rest of the area with our aimless walking, till we chanced upon a street we never knew existed. Singapore isn't that boring actually, if you make the effort to explore that is. You never know what treasures you might find at the nooks and crannies. Dinner was at one of the kopitiams, and when I made some bimbotically stupid comments I am so not proud of on our way back, the geography/history lesson started.
Not bad lah Justin, now I know how to identify The Supreme Court; The Parliament House (new and old); Victoria Concert Hall; and the British thingy flag you were talking about. Lol.
I can't believe I am admitting that I do not know how to identify these places on the world wide web.

And that's all for my enriching Saturday evening. Off for a little mugging for the term tests. Night world.

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