Monday, January 24, 2005

I Haven't Figured It Out, Not Yet, Not Specifically

I Haven't Figured It Out, Not Yet, Not Specifically

It struck me, just as we were strolling past Marriot, that this is the 2nd time I've hung out with Jane outside of school, ever since we've known each other in Year 1 sem 1. Man. Time to change that babe! It was fun though, as usual, haha.

Finally met up with Jemo after ages. Gymming was good, and so was the company. Two girls at the gym struck up a conversation with me in the shower room, asking me how to lose flab and tone up. Interesting. I feel proud. Hahaha.

I'm beginning to breathe a little. MEIT is finally on the way. I hope I'd be able to complete everything before our meeting on Thursday.
Tomorrow's resume and cover letter day. Some of my friends have started going for interviews. Scary.

I wish my computer wasn't screwed, then I'd be able to post up pictures of my yellow daisy. It made me so happy, I gave both guys a smackeroo each. And we had the most delicious desserts at Bakerzin - Sumatra and the Warm Chocolate Cake. Each bite was a rocket-ride to paradise. I'm so happy I couldn't stop smiling for half an hour I think! =D

Hmm. Beaching pictures from yesterday are somehow lost in the abyss of my digicam's memory card.

It totally slipped my mind that I've got an Open-house meeting at 10am tomorrow. I need sleep. Night world.

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