Sunday, December 03, 2006

Into you like a train.

Into you like a train.
feeling: exhausted
music: iron and wine - naked as we came

Catching up over dinner at Cedele

Chicken, avocado and brie sandwich; Aussie Jane and Ceci; photo-taking frenzy of weird cakes.

Unexpected supper, but enjoyable nonetheless. It was nice, playing tourist on familiar streets. Sleeping shophouses seem awfully surreal at 1a.m.

Today's car wash was interesting. My virgin car wash. Never soaped a car in my life but it was quite a hoot. I'm exhausted, but it was good while it lasted. We hit the day's target, and Shannon's doubling tomorrow's I think. Haha good luck to us. We're gonna become sponge robots. Spongots.

Had a long talk with a friend after. A much needed one, and it felt good, like the old times. It was positively therapeutic to reveal the hidden and get the weight off my chest. I feel lighter. Hahaha.

This entry doesn't make sense at all. Into you like a train. Grey's showed two strangers pierced together on a metal rod during a train wreck. It was squirmy at its best.

I should sleep.

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