Friday, December 22, 2006

Hey mister postman.

Hey mister postman.
feeling: sleepy
music: kt tunstall - other side of the world

The past two days have been such a flurry of activities, it feels like I've lived them in fast-forward.

There was lunch at Cedele with Ceci and CH yesterday. It was cosy, the couple of hours we spent sheltered from the ominous sky and harried Christmas shoppers. And of course, there was the orgasmic chocolate truffle cake. Never lets us down each time we have it. It is, no doubt, my favourite chocolate cake in the entire world.

Then there was watching Charlene's street performance, and alot of catching up over dinner and Starbucks with Erwin.

And a good part of today was spent exploring Waterloo with my auntie, and our really wholesome brown rice lunch.

It's evening, and I'm sleepy. I haven't had my coffee fix for three days, and I don't intend to. No coffee. Going temporarily vegetarian. And I've been doing yoga for two mornings. Damn, I'm good. Haha.

My bitch had her first piano performance today. I'm so proud of her. I'm like a proud mama. Okay, time for some shut-eye. A whole night of packing awaits.

P.s. I've set up a travel blog, and I've transferred quite a few posts over. Will post up the link some day soon.

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