Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Quarter Life Crisis

Quarter Life Crisis

If this post is aptly titled, then I figure I'd probably die at the age of 74. You do the math.
It's quite a good age I think. Old enough to see my grandchildren, yet not that old to be unable to get out of bed, I hope.

I'm feeling extremely unfulfilled. I wish I were living my last 2 weeks of pre-SIP freedom with or for a cause.
Each morning I wake up, trudge to the living room and start my morning with MTV and some matwork. Occasionally, when the urge strikes, I pop an exercise video into the player. After the morning workout, my day's basically aimless.


The monotony was something I'd figured would pass after taking a vacation, but it has seemingly returned with a magnitude twice its original.
Vacations do that to me. They delude me into thinking that my life back here sucks and everyday should be a holiday.


Speaking of which, mine will be back tomorrow evening. Went off on an impromptu trip to London to catch, get this, a free soccer match. Figures why we didn't go off to Tioman together as initially planned. London! Lucky bitch. :)

I'm off. To slap on a face mask before heading out to shop and catch a movie.

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