Sunday, May 15, 2005

Angsty Me can Give a Nasty Bite

An Angsty Me Gives a Nasty Bite

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
The above is a phrase heard so often, it is almost a cliche.

So, what do you do with life bestows you with two bastards right across your booth?
I say, life's a bitch, so be bitchy right back.

I've never told a stranger off till this weekend. Thrice. Hah. The satisfaction.

I've been meaning to blog about the topic below, but until now, I've always managed to convince myself that it ain't good to use this blog as a board for snide remarks about other people, especially those whom I barely know.
My current angsty ain't a good reason to start, but why ruin my flow of bitchy thoughts?
Please, excuse my french. I'll try to make it short.

(To disguise the gender of this particular person, I will use "it".)

Dear it,

Perhaps I should start off by apologizing should I make any unjust assumptions.
However, I pride myself on my intuition, and I would say that my assumptions are made on account of your actions.

I assume you have a scheming mind, and it pleases me to believe that you have one.

Possession is natural human behaviour, but your possessiveness surpasses that of normality, making you what I would label as obsessive compulsive.

Friendships require two hands to clap. There is no use being angry with a friend when your friend refuses to clap. If you do wish to have a friend tied to you forever, I would suggest you get a dog.
Drifting apart is part and parcel of life.

That might be a lesson you have yet to learn.

Let go, you angsty it.

Try calling 1800-obsession-management.

With love,
The Bitch

And may I add, "it" is not my friend. Lol.

-end of bitchy mode-

Night world.

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