Friday, February 11, 2005

Tomorrow - Maybe You Will; Maybe You Won't.

Tomorrow - Maybe You Will; Maybe You Won't.

There was a change of plans today. Shaun's lunch ended early, so he, Brian and Lester came over to my place. I think my brother's crappy jokes drove them nuts, lol. Left the chaos of my place in the late afternoon and we all headed down to PS to meet up with Fagan and Marc for a movie. Initially had Constantine in mind, but with the CNY crowd, we decided to go with I Do I Do, the only available film that didn't sound so bad. After we had plonked our butts down on the cinema seats, Fagan discovered that we were actually holding tickets to Seoul Raiders instead, lol! The moment of realisation made us feel quite dumb. So we spent the next two hours watching a crap movie. I nodded off several times, snapping awake each time a gun shot sounded on screen.

Headed down to Paulaner's after the movie, where we had free drinks and a whole lot of food. Sausages; satay; friend seafood; bread with pate; and more sausages. And if that wasn't enough, Max Brenner's, along with Jason from Paulaner, was our last stop before we headed for home. I had the milk chocolate suckao. Heavenly. And I love reading the love story on the wall - the one about Max Brenner and his love for chocolates. I wouldn't mind owning a chocolate bar like that one day. Or a beach bar. Hmm.

The reflection of myself in the bathroom mirror was quite bad. My dark eye rings are terrible. Time to catch up on some sleep. Night world. :)

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