Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Go On, Judge Me

Go On, Judge Me

I think I should just accept it - no matter the circumstances, even when there isn't any hard and fast rule as to what is right and wrong, I will still be judged by my every action and decision.

I lead my life and I make my own decisions.
Why do I have to explain my every action to anyone?
Don't freak out on me just because I am not doing what you perceive is right.
And I thought you'd understand my position better than anyone else babe.
That's what hurts most.

And you. Why are we still fighting even after the dynamics of our relationship have changed?
I'm tired of trying to fight to keep the closeness, and of trying to be a friend.
I give up.

It's been such an exhausting day. I don't know if I wanna be around tomorrow.

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