Thursday, February 10, 2005

She's A Lady

She's A Lady

It's the second day of the lunar New Year, and Mom's party is starting. A few early birds are streaming in, but I've locked myself in my room. I've got a face mask on, and I don't wanna go around scaring them away. Lol.

Spent the morning in front of the telly with my dad, watching Discovery. Watched this programme on deep sea creatures, as well as an anthropology show on the Xavena people or something. It's a place near Cuba I think.

I remember how I used to anticipate watching programmes about the marine world when I was a kid, and I used to draw, or doodle, fishes and corals on my drawing block. That interest has died down, though watching programmes to do with the sea never fails to fill me with a sense of serenity. If that passion for the underwater world had stayed, I would prolly be one of the first few to take up scuba diving. But I'm pretty apprehensive, 'cos you never know what's down under.

I think I've been too much of a tomboy. The way I walk with my legs wide apart; the way I seldom sit with my legs crossed in a ladylike fashion; and the way I go around punching the guys.. Tsk tsk. Thus, for the first step on my route towards ladyhood, I've painted my toenails. Haha! I remember going through a similar ladylike phase when I was 16. And I snapped out of it, pretty obvious huh? Lol.

I'm waiting for Brian and Lester to come over to my place. We'll have lunch, then head down to Brian's house. Will prolly meet up with Shaun somewhere along the way. I hope we'll all have time to catch a movie! Or we might be visiting Jane at her house. We'll see.

I've decided to wear the batik skirt stashed away at the back of my wardrobe today. Even though I'd very much rather wear pants so I can tuck my legs up if we do go to the movies, but it's a sacrifice a lady's gotta make! Lol. It's pretty humid to be wearing jeans anyway. Ladylike girl, ladylike. :) I'll try to snap some pictures. Later peeps.

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