Sunday, April 10, 2005

Sex On The Beach

Sex on the Beach

I have decided that I've got a pretty high tolerance for alcohol actually. Contrary to popular belief of my peers (again), I did not even get tipsy after my cocktail - Sex on the Beach. Explains the title of my entry huh? (The colour of the drink is kinda like the coral colour.)

Went to Harry's at Harbour Front with my bitch and Vincent, joining XT, Zhi, Vicky, Wei and TJ. Pretty good a night spent I guess, playing pool and all with my bitch. Haha, the both of us were basically providing free entertainment to the other customers with our less-than-average skills of the game. But it was fun letting loose and laughing. Better than my initial plan of watching First Kid at home haha.

I like hanging out with my bitch. And her boyfriend's easy to get along with, which is good. We actually tried double dating last week, and it turned out pretty great, lol.

People. We're each aging unconsciously, in terms of spiritual development that is. Today, I found myself in a situation which would have possibly upset me three years ago, but I took it all with a pinch of salt. -pats myself on the back- I've grown. Definitely. :)

Felt that too when I was talking to my dad about my beach trip. I used to get real teary-eyed when I was younger and trying to convince my family about my point, but my eyes were crystal-clear this time around. I was pleasantly surprised at the eloquence I discovered I possessed while I was attempting to persuade my dad. I won. Hah.

Time for me to hit the sack. Night world.

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