Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Hum-drum of Monotony

You know that sacred time of the month is approaching when your appetite for chocolate threatens to impossibly surpass the point of insatiability.
I'm choosing to believe those articles about chocolate reducing the risk of heart diseases. At the rate I am going however, I might just possibly clog my arteries instead. When PMS strikes, anything goes. Lol.

The exhibition's coming up. Looking forward to earning my brother's money to fund my beach holiday, haha. Finally broke the news of my holiday to my dad, who wasn't too hot about the destination. He went on and on about the horrible time he and my mom had when they were in Tioman, and how they had to trek one mile along the beach to get to their accomodation. It's at least 19 years ago, may I add. Doesn't matter, I am going anyway. ;)

I didn't know Miss Match was aired on Channel 5 till today. I don't know which episode I was watching today, but despite the whole jumbled-up shit, I enjoyed it nonetheless. The scene of Kate and Michael in the Nepal praying room seem really familiar. I think I have actually watched it before, maybe last year or something, hah!

All these spunky new shows aside, I still miss Baywatch Hawaii. I know it's stereotyped as a bloke's show, what with the bouncing boobs as the girls run up and down the beach, but I assure you there is way more than that. Friendships and love, like in many other tv shows; action and abit of Hawaiian folklore thrown in. But of course, I do admit that the exotic location the show's filmed at adds to its appeal. Beach, hawaii, sun? I am hooked.

Meeting up with Justin tomorrow. I hope his sail trip hasn't morphed him into some boho monk, although that would be pretty interesting. Haha.

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