Monday, April 18, 2005

My Thoughts Come At Midnight

I'm having hiccup attacks so bad, I fear I may go into seizure anytime. Haha, just kidding. They are really quite bad though, and I'm glad I'm at home. It might get pretty embarrassing if I were in public. People may possibly mistake me as a loony doing a crazy neck-bopping dance. Not sure how many of you would be able to picture what I am trying to describe, but I assure you it will be a pretty funny image. Lol.

It's 30 minutes past midnight, and I don't think my body's gonna be grateful to me for staying up so late to type this entry, considering I have to be up by 7.15 in the morning.

I think I broke my track record today. I watched tv all the way from 1340hrs to 0005hrs. That makes 10 hours and 25 minutes. Watched MTV Spring Break for most part of the afternoon, followed by two movies with Green Bear - Notting Hill and Kate & Leopold. I promptly continued my mtv marathon after the movies, haha.

Here's the moment of reflection that made me want to forgo my sleep to write an entry. (Man, I make myself sound too noble sometimes, haha.)

I made my decision last night. I've been running too far, and I've been holding on to the trump card for way too long.
Of course, choices never come cheap.
Giving up the free-spirited late nights for mellower days, and adjusting back to my previous home-girl lifestyle.

Friend. A word so common, it can be used to describe an acquaintance, as well as your best friend who knows you so well, she could pass off as your long-lost sister.

One thing I've reflected upon and decided is that I unknowingly slip into this whole new persona around certain people. Smiling comes automatically, but somehow not genuinely. I think it'd be what people call socialising.
Well, I don't think I like socialising that much.

Hanging out with my bitch of late made me realise how much I missed being myself, and how much I missed not having to flash uncomfortable smiles. It takes a certain comfortable chemistry to be completely at ease, and I am so darn glad I've got her. Despite the distance, our connection's unbelievable. :)

Another kind of friendship thrives on physical intimacy, you know, the friend you'd go to for a hug, or whose affection you best express through actions.
It is perhaps human nature to be self-delusional, but I think it would be a mistake to think that being totally comfortable to hug a friend equals being comfortable with that person on an emotional level.

I probably haven't done a good job in expressing my views on this matter, so it ain't as bad as I'm making it to be. And of course, my dissection is purely personal, and I am definitely not using the above paragraphs as propaganda.

Dissecting issues the way I do isn't really that healthy , thus I suggest you do not try this at home.

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