Sunday, August 03, 2008

Sneeze, sneeze go away.

Sneeze, sneeze go away.

I woke up to B's message at 5ish this morning, and proceeded to spend the next 10 minutes sneezing my nose blue. Sniffling, I fell back asleep to unsettling dreams, and awoke to a few red mosquito-like bumps on the weirdest places.

I wasn't quite myself while teaching piano this morning, and after fixing myself a chicken sandwich lunch, I fell back to more unsettling dreams till the late evening. I don't feel rested at all, and my arms feel kinda achy.

I'm hoping the aches are from yesterday's yoga or the dormant effects of Friday's swim with Lanxi, and not some weird allergy that rears its ugly head in sneezes and bumps. The bumps, very thankfully, have not multiplied.

School starts tomorrow. Maybe that's what I'm allergic to. Haha.

On a different note, Hui Hui and I finally made it down to The French Stall at Serangoon Road last night. The food is nothing to rave about really, but it was a good catch-up nonetheless.

Strolling amidst the many tandoori and naan restaurants in Little India, with its incense-perfumed air and the devil-may-care attitude of Indian nationals maneuvering our roads had me feeling like I was back in Ahmedabad all over again.

The crazy crossroads from Reliance Mart over to our favourite roadside tandoori stall, the mix of incense, food and sweat that hangs in the still air, and the crowds of people everywhere. All's that missing is the autos.

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