Sunday, August 24, 2008



Before I go into anything less lighthearted for a Sunday night, here's a recap at the week past with a couple of pictures I forgot about.

CH's bright idea to take our reflection while waiting for the NEL to Vivocity on Thursday evening. It was a rainy evening, perfect for catching up with the childhood buds over dinner (even if we were talking about body parts and rectal examinations courtesy of Kenrick) and snuggling up at the cinema.

(L-R) Microwaved French rabbit dish, Ceci's buttered rice, Aunt's vegetarian pizza. Chick flick weekends used to happen once every few months at best, but are now happening increasingly often as it's really a much cheaper alternative to us trawling town. The money's better put towards our getaway, and we finally got around to watching the dvds I got from Shanghai. The Waitress was a feel-good flop, while we had mixed reviews for Love and Other Disasters. I liked it, but Ceci thought it was too fragmented.

Despite recent rains, I wake up most mornings to cloudy pre-rain skies which are perfect for running, and it bums me out every single day. The hobbling's subsided to a minimum, but I think I'll have to rest up a little more before hitting the trails again. Thankfully it was raining cats and dogs (now ain't that a primary school phrase we haven't heard for awhile...) so I wasn't further bummed out about missing my weekly beach runs with Lanxi.

So in place of the beach, I headed out to catch 12 Lotus with the aunts. The show wasn't rave-worthy, though I was really concentrating more on not getting dirty looks for hacking my lungs out. I have no bloody idea where the cough came from, but it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon...

Reasons enough for my less than cheery mood this weekend, but it'll pick up. After a couple of reassessments. Here's to Monday.

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