Saturday, August 16, 2008

Resigned to armchair traveling.

Resigned to armchair traveling.

Having been cooped up at home for a good one week, and taking baby steps in readjusting my body back to school, heading out to Vivo and poking around in the shops just because I could bizarrely made my day.

It's amazing how one's standards drastically lower after a sick spell, but I'm happy. So happy that I snapped up a dress I'd seen and ignored more than once in Pull & Bear, and got myself a new yoga mat.

I'm not taking any chances with any allergy-causing molecules, and seeing how I had brought my previous mat with me to Europe and laid on the apartment floor B and I only got to cleaning once the whole time I was there, I figured it was high time to toss it out. Out with the old, in with the new - in this case a pretty Nike rose and mauve mat. Just looking at it gets me all inspired to get stretching. And I would, after the hefty amount Ceci and I ingested tonight.

I was glad to resume our weekend dates, and even more glad to be able to eat proper, non-sick-people food. After months of procrastination (during which another outlet sprung up), we finally got around to checking out Hog's Breath Cafe.

The food was so-so (good only if you like overpriced barbecued food), and so was the live singer who butchered one too many of my favourites. I don't see us returning at all, especially not when the amount of food we had had me hiccuping for a good 15 minutes. How glad I was to be wearing my dad's shirt, made presentable only with the shell belt I bought in Bangkok yonks ago. Good for hiding a post-meal belly!

Not that it was worth it.

Anyway, school is starting to get into full swing, which means I would be up to my neck in work for the next four months or so. Which also means that it's time to take a hiatus from all the traveling I've been doing the past months. Time to reign in the wanderlust, and to stick to armchair traveling for now. Down girl.

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