Monday, August 04, 2008

Bumps on the highway of my body.

Bumps on the highway of my body.

I spoke too soon when I said the bumps didn't multiply. Sometime between posting the previous entry and going to bed at 1 a.m., my left eye started swelling and I started to feel bumps emerging on my back, neck and even my ears.

I went to bed hoping it'll all be okay when I wake, but any amount of good luck has got to run out some time. I'm bummed to be starting school by missing it, but walking around with a swollen face and looking like I've just spent the night in a mosquito-infested camp would really be kinda gross.

So I've gotten myself to the doc, who thinks I'm having an allergy reaction to either medication or alcohol. So it could be that one anti-itch pill my sis gave me yesterday, or the glass of Chardonnay I had on Saturday night.

What is this, a sign that I should cut back on the alcohol? Doubt it for I've been an almost teetotaller since my return from Europe. Anyway, I'm not inclined towards the wine deduction, for any allergy to it would have resulted me spending almost every day of my six weeks in Europe covered in bumps.

I've gotten a jab, and couple of pastel-colored pills. Hopefully I'll be good to attend tomorrow's lecture.

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