Sunday, October 15, 2006

My body is a temple.

My body is a temple.
feeling: inspired
music: andrea bocelli - besame mucho

I'm sick of being sick. The improvement in my squawking's insignificant, and the cough's preventing me from going on my runs. As much as I miss hitting the roads, I don't wish to end up choking on my phlegm or anything equally tragic.

I've seemingly had a weekend of epicurism. There was last night's churrascaria meal, and then there was today's chocolate tao huay. Will my throat be well in time for Godiva's Chocolixir tomorrow? The chocolate tao huay may sound like an unlikely combination, but it is probably the best fusion dish I've ever tasted to date. Kinda puts all the gourmet pseudo-fancy fusion attempts to shame.

Caught up with my Urban reading earlier, and boy, is Wong Li-Lin one hot mama. Sporting abs just after seven months of her son's birth; I am just about ready to kowtow to the woman. Time to get over the flu and restart the exercise I say. I've really been winging it this week.

This will be yet another short post. I was supposed to be in bed by midnight. Was hoping the cough would be gone in time for my morning run. We'll see.

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