Saturday, October 07, 2006

Misty moonlight.

Misty moonlight.
feeling: light-hearted
music: jason mraz - bella luna

It's been a day of enlightenment and unexpected emotional growth and acceptance. It might sound like quite a bit of mambo jumbo, but trust me, such light-heartedness is rare in my course's vicious karma cycle.

Today's filming was a whooping success. There was a whole lot of horsing around (check out our bloopers when we're done editing the vid), but we got our work done way faster than we did the previous filming session. And my team commented that my acting has improved, hah! I'm really glad to hear that 'cos I don't think I acted well at all during the previous session.

Kester was telling me about his 21-year-old travel journalist friend, and we were lamenting about how talking to people like her inevitably makes us think, "what the hell am I doing with my life?"

I've recently hit the big 2-0, and while the older folks often say that I am still young, I get the feeling that I should have accomplished alot more than I have today. A lot of my youth has been spent wasting time away - how many days of my holidays did I spend camped on the couch watching MTV?

Then again, life shouldn't just about measuring accomplishments but also taking pleasure in enjoyment no? The road to balance is one that's probably well-traveled and I'm not sure if anyone has ever reached the destination.

Annual 'mooncake party' with the Spottiswoode gang. Enjoyable. Pics soon. Sandman's cast his spell. Night world.

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