Friday, October 13, 2006

Horses neigh.

Horses neigh.
feeling: lung-tickled.

You know you're on the road to recovery when
1. the sniffles turn into a cough and
2. your voice mutates to resemble that of a farm animal

It's kinda weird, 'cos my voice ain't half bad unless it's morning or past eight in the night.

But I've been blessed with a nurse for a roomie, and part-time nurses for hall buds. I've had my first taste of the famous pi pa gao courtesy of them, and it was extremely heartwarming to see a panadol-note stuck outside my door. I feel really really bad missing sing & strum. It could have been my way of giving back to the hall, or something.

Urghs. De-horsifying starts now. Snooze.

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