Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Running on adrenaline.

Running on adrenaline.
music: damien rice - cannonball

For three days, I've woken up at exactly 8.45 am. For the previous two days, I attributed it to the messages that streamed in at unearthly hours, but the same thing happened today, even when I set my phone on silent. And I've been unable to fall back asleep. And considering that I've been going to bed only in the wee hours of the morning, you can only guess how zonked out I feel. Urghs.

Damien Rice's Cannonball repeats itself in my head at the weirdest times. As if it was meant to be, the song was featured in today's repeat episode of Life As We Know It. I suspect I may be psychic. Haha!

I'd initially wanted to post up my Bintan pictures (I know, finally) but I'm running out of time. My favourite workout khaki is back in town and we're gonna hit the pool. If you're really dying to see what Bintan is really like, surf on over to Ceci's blog. That babe's one of the most dilligent updaters I know.

More pictures will be up soon, I promise.

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