Tuesday, May 02, 2006

And the fashion guru speaks...

And the fashion guru speak...

Hello! It's been one hell of a fashion overload at work today. You know, fashion has always been something I indulge in as and when I am free or when the boss is away. I mean, you can hardly flip open the latest issue of Cleo or visit glam.com when your boss, sneakily omnipotent, is just around the corner right? Imagine how refreshing it is then to browse fashion sites at work without tangling my fingers trying to minimize the window each time I hear footsteps!

Since 9 in the morning, I've read about dressing for different body shapes (I'm a spoon by the way, just like Jennifer Aniston. Let's hope Jason doesn't do a Brad Pitt haha!); different hair coloring techniques (highlights, lowlights... even something called the skunk); more on manis and pedis… and I've probably called up one too many beauty companies. I never thought I'd say this but it's all starting to get a little boring! Fashion. Boring. My my my, I never thought this day would come. Kinda proves that too much of one thing can never be good huh?

"Does this mean you'll get bored of journalism too if you do it for a long time?"
Good question Ceci. That worries me too.

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