Thursday, May 04, 2006

The thursday beauty bazaar

The thursday beauty bazaar

At approximately ten in the morning, while everyone was barely getting into the swing of work, my stylist swung into the centre of the room with an armful of bags. "Help yourselves!" she proclaimed. And so we did just that. We all started out a bit shy, but soon after, even the guys joined in, unabashedly screaming, "Mother's Day present! Take take!"

So here's my share of the loot:

1. Escada Pacific Paradise EDT
2. Summer by Kenzo EDT
3. Incanto Charms by Salvatore Ferragamo EDT
4. A bunch of treatments for permed hair as I'm the only one in the office with it
5. Clinique bronzing blusher
6. L'Oreal blusher
7. Nivea lip balm
8. Dior Addict Ultra-Gloss lipstick
9. Shu Uemura eyeshadow
10. Cosme Decorte eyeshadow

Those in bold are products that I've always wanted but never got around to buying. Cool huh!

Just when I thought my Thursday couldn't get any better, I was given a couple more reviews to do, this time including one on a swanky nail boutique. Guess where I'll be at noon tomorrow... Haha!

Jasmine finally told me all about The Devil Wears Prada over dinner with the IG last night. The protagonist (the good one) is the personal assistant of the worst-ever fashion editor who makes her do ridiculously evil tasks. Don't worry guys, my bosses are a far cry from the Prada-clad devil in the story, thank goodness!

There, I've let out all the nervous excitement that's been clouding my mind and my ability to write. Back to work.

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