Sunday, May 07, 2006

Island dreaming.

Island dreaming.

I've been having recent urges to whisk Jason off for an island getaway for a couple of days. But that will result in the SAF hot on our heels, so no thank you.

Must be the over-urbanized surroundings I've been in. If my memory serves me correctly, I never did have the urge to run away to Tioman back when I was on my Sentosa internship. Sigh. My system's craving for a seaside retreat - clear blue waters, powder-fine sand, warm sunshine, balmy evenings and quiet starlit nights. SAF restrictions aside, there is still the problem of my savings which are diminishing at an alarming rate.

What does one do when on an internship that pays in terms of beauty products? Scrimp on food while using $3/ml perfume like water? And get this. I'll be handing over 507 buckeroos to my piano teacher tomorrow - $210 for fees and $307 for my practical registration. I am living a life of irony.

Mother's Day and three other important birthdays this May. I should consider becoming a plain bread eating social hermit outside of work. That'll save me a substantial amount. Or maybe I should just go get myself a REAL JOB. That pays.

On a brighter note, check out the wacky Sentosa pics from today. We didn't manage to head down yesterday as we all awoke to pouring rain which was just as well. Night world.

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