Friday, May 05, 2006

Oh where art thou?

Oh where art thou?

The weekend's finally rolling along! I've spent every night this week out about town with none of my habitual tv front veg-out. I can almost hear my soul screaming from couch potato withdrawal symptoms, haha.

After our run on Sunday, Ceci and I yanked off our shoes and stood knee deep in the sea, enjoying the (imported) sand between our toes and the waves lapping against our thighs. It was then that I realised how long it's been since I last spent some time at the beach and how much I really missed doing that. I am definitely looking forward to a day at the beach with Ken and CH tomorrow. Hello sun, hello sand, hello sea, hello bumming. -does an imaginary flop onto imaginary sand- Ahh... paradise.
(P.s. I have given up on the idea of sporting snow white skin for the sake of avoiding skin cancer. Hello SPF50 sunblock.)

Popped by Buttcheeks at The Heeren Shops earlier to return the bikinis only to see the salesguy pull the shutters half-way down with a yellow post-it that said "Back in ten tmr" stuck on it. I almost wanted to run after him and beg him to hold his toilet break. Thinking back, I should have!
Fast-forward ten minutes of aimless wandering around HMV and five minutes of dorkish waiting outside the shop for him. Fast-forward the time it took me to get to Taka and back. Shutters still half-down. Ten minutes my foot! The person who vandalized the post-it with "tmr" was probably one of his many victims! I wanted to hurl! Waiting around for him or anyone at all with a growling tummy? So. not. gonna. happen. again.

I was thinking earlier about how I thought that magazine people had to be hard and bitchy to survive and how I'd intially worried that I wasn't bitchy enough to be in the industry. Well, my stylist is probably one of the sweetest people on earth and doing well from what I see. Misconception erased!

Anyway, here I am back at the office with my hunger fed and my article done. Gonna zip to Great World City in awhile to return more bikinis and maybe grab myself an ice-cream cone. Life's good? You bet. :)

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