Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tickkety tock.

Tickkety tock.

As much as I love to complain about having to lug all those shopping bags around, time sure passes faster when I'm zipping about town as compared to sitting here in front of my desk all day. Sure, there is still the after-glow of the morning's freebie acquisition and a ton of fashion and beauty mags to keep me going... but I think my butt is starting to ache from all the sitting! Kinda makes you wonder how I got through my previous internship huh, haha.

Anyway, after endless mind-torturing minutes watching time crawl by, the work day is (almost) finally coming to an end. I'm 23 minutes to leaving the office to join Jason for MI:3! I can't believe he managed to get tickets.

Kelly said something on Monday that had me gloating a little. "No matter how tired I am, I will still make it a point to read your blog." Awww babe. :)

For all those out there who are looking to relieve some of that mid-week boredom, click here. Aptly titled Hungry Girls, it's got all the latest goss to help you make wiser food choices! Till the next time!

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