Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Immortalised in print.

Immortalised in print.

I've heard so much about about how I resemble the protagonist in The Devil Wears Prada from Jazzy and BK. I've picked up the book a couple of times at the bookstores only to put it back because there didn't seem to be much of a love story involved! Hahaha. See, I'm a romantic at heart. Anyway, can someone please enlighten me, because I've forgotten all my secondary school literature and am too lazy to check the dictionary, what is a protagonist??? I can't quite remember if the antagonist is the evil one or not.. I hope I'm good in the book, ha ha ha!

I'm having quite a ball writing. To date, I've written a shop review as well as two hair and three beauty how-tos. These couple of days have served to remind me that I am actually a step closer to the career path I've always thought I wanted, and that it really is quite an amazing job! My stylist asked me earlier if I could see myself doing it on a full-time basis - I guess I could, if it was a full-time job that paid la, haha!

Getting a lil' hungry. Time to grab a bite. Over and out.

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