Thursday, December 01, 2005

A push in the right direction. Maybe a shove.

A push in the right direction. Maybe a shove.
Feeling: Uninspired
Spinning: Bounce OST

I'm glad I chucked my work aside for frog porridge dinner/supper last night with Mr. Cat. It felt good to be away from it all, even if it was only for that few hours. Despite wanting to start things on a good note following yesterday's near-disastrous consultation, this morning's meeting drained me, and Dawn too I believe. I hate the way I'm moping right now.

The "crashing down from heaven to hell" effects from Tuesday's phonecall have worn off but a whole new set of challenges lies in its wake. I feel like we've got everything, yet at the same time nothing, and all is just one huge tangled blob I don't have the energy to tackle yet.

Bailed from my initial plan to read through my lecture notes before French tutorial for a quickie at the gym. The energy boost was short-lived though. Today's lesson was a killer for most of the class, and to think they attended the lecture that I missed whilst in Dubai.
We had some laughs though, like when Jerome attempted teaching us the Happy Birthday song in French. I suddenly felt like I was watching a French film about an untalented student in the choir, with my tutor playing the lead of course. ROFL.

Paid an aimless visit to the library post-French. Running my fingers through the endless rows of books, spotting familiar titles and refreshing new ones, did something to ground my scattered thoughts. I left with a Nora Roberts paperback and a book on French food tales. It was in the former that I seeked solace in on my hour-long journey home.

It's been awhile since I'd indulged in one of Roberts' predictable but nonetheless heartstrings-tugging stories. The "bookful" of cliches I expect each time I begin her novels almost always metamorphasizes into a treasure trove of romantic gems. This one was no exception. I expect I'll be sucked into the town of Antietam, into the world of the McKade brothers in no time, to the point of no return till I reach the end of the novel.

The nap I took this evening has sure left me energetic. I vaguely remember lounging on my bed with a magazine, telling Ceci about wanting a Bali getaway. Before I knew it, it was 8 in the night. 1.5 hours worth of nap-time. Quite a feat Leigh. :)


The Christmas month officially started today, and I'm totally feeling it. It doesn't quite matter that a pile of unfinished work is waiting to overwhelm - my Christmas cheer ain't dampening. I can't wait to start hunting down the perfect presents and baking/cooking up a storm. Since we're at the topic, let me share my 2 cents' worth on Christmas.

1 Christmas present you will never receive from me - Soft toys (unless you're my 4-year old cousin).

1 Christmas present people may deem thoughtless but I may give nonetheless - Chocolates. Nothing like the season for giving to share my ultimate love, no?

1 Christmas tradition I have kept the past 3 years - Baking cookies. I'm no Mrs. Fields wannabe, but remember, my cookies are baked with LURVE.

1 mistake I make every Christmas - Over-buying and under-sending Christmas cards.

1 thing I like most about Christmas presents - Wrapping them.

1 favourite memory from past Christmas-es - 2001: Poring over The Body Shop Christmas Gift Guide while simultaneously yakking away to my bitch over the phone in the wee hours of the morning. Goodness, has it been 4 years already?

1 dish I have yet to have at a Christmas meal: Turkey. So much for embracing Christmas, haha.

1 Christmas dish I have yet to try: Christmas pudding.

Enough. I feel compelled to go grab myself a turkey and pudding right this moment.

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