Tuesday, November 29, 2005

No longer wishing I were somewhere else.

No longer wishing I were somewhere else.
feeling: feminine. demoralised.
spinning: norah jones - sunrise

It's funny how one phone call can turn your life around, in my case for the worse. This is what I term the butterfly effect. What the caller said cast a dark cloud on my otherwise rather sunny day, and right at that moment, I needed comfort.

Now, comfort is a funny thing, at least to me. I personally hate unnecessary dependence, and it pisses the shit out of me when people whine and say, "do for me la.." when it involves something as simple as returning a used mug for example. I am thus extremely selective when it comes to sharing woes, for the last thing I wanna do is to go around proclaiming the cause of my unhappiness to the universe.

Other than a hug, I can't see what sort of comfort others can give that I can't give myself. "Don't worry, everything will be fine." I can definitely tell it to my reflection in the mirror, and I can repeat it till I knot my tongue. It is why at the very moment when the weight of the world seemed to rest entirely on my shoulders, I wished someone would just pull me in for a hug.

It doesn't help that I think the caller is an overly-drama. I'm getting just that tad angry and defensive. I can't wait for 4.15pm to come tomorrow. Let's just get it over and done with and move on. Hate hanging by the moment like this.


You know it's time for a wardrobe overhaul when one in every three friends comments, "wah, short skirt today!"

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