Sunday, December 25, 2005

So random... so abstract.

All that festive fuss. :)

I can barely believe I slept a quarter of my Christmas day away. After all the festive fuss, it is now a mere 2 hours before the day ends, and the countdown to Christmas 2006 begins.

Christmas celebrations started a tad earlier for me this year, despite that Calculus paper on the eve of Christmas eve. Urghs. Had the Sentosa gang over for a Peranakan style dinner on the 23rd. (Bless their souls I wasn't the one doing the cooking, haha!) It was no big rowdy affair; just a warm quiet gathering. Nice.

Cecilia slept over, and we trudged down to one of the cafes at the shophouses outside for our waffle brunch, tea and a latte. Yum. Headed over to one of the house parties with Jason, which was yet another warm quiet affair. The awkwardness I felt at the same party a year ago was pretty much non-existent, and I was pretty much at ease in fact. Yet another of those instances when I question if PR has changed me.

After a night of interrupted sleep (I vaguely remember getting jabbed in the face) and an extremely lazy morning, Jason and I zipped down to meet my bitch and Vince for a Christmas brunch at Cityhall and post-brunch teh tariks. It's always good to see her. :) They were supposed to come over for dinner at my place, but we're all too knackered. Haha. I hope it's got nothing to do with the fact that I volunteered to cook... ROFL.

Had a quick night jog post-nap. Funny how the smell of grass makes the air smell of Singaporeanly-Christmasy. Then it was an impromptu Christmas dinner with the folks - dinner was actually dabao-ed turkey and ham from dad's restaurant, haha! And log cake. Alright, zipping out for late-night coffee. Merry Christmas folks!

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