Saturday, July 09, 2005

Same Side of the Moon

Same Side of the Moon

It's been 36 hours since the SAF stole my boyfriend, and a pretty emotional 36 hours for me. It's not like we've never been apart before or anything, but it just feels different this time around. Ah, the truth behind the phrase "Absence makes the heart grow fonder".

I woke up at 6am yesterday to go down to his place, as I had to work and thus couldn't see him off to Tekong. It was a pretty emotional morning, but let's just say we got through it like adults.

Met up with Jane, Fagan, Marc and Cat on Thursday night to celebrate Jane's birthday. The birthday girl entertained Jason, Fagan, Marc, myself and the rest of Starbucks' patrons with her "breasts-encounter". I swear, anyone else would have thought she was drunk. Lol.

Had a gathering with Ken, Ch, and Yiling last night where we were supposed to mix cocktails. Ended up drinking pre-mixed Long Island Tea from the bottle (pretty potent shit) and watching Madagascar instead. We're such bores, lol. Anyway, as you probably have guessed, I was exhausted by past ten.

Woke up at 7am today to go running with Yiling. Did 3 rounds instead of our usual 2, since we're taking part in the New Balance Real Run. It was a WORKOUT alright. Phew.
Did brekkie with Fagan and Marc at Coffeebean thereafter. It was so weird, but the shops at this particular section of the building were SHAKING, as if there was a huge gust of wind blowing from some hideout. It was crazy, and it freaked me out.

Hung out around town for awhile, and in a span of barely two hours, I bought a top, a perfume set, and a pair of Havaianas. I am a ridiculous shopaholic. Went to Far East to do my hair, then met up with Adeline to check out this Victoria Secrets warehouse sale. It was crap, haha, but we had fun getting lost finding our way to Clarke Quay. In the end, we pretended to be tourists and got the concierge of this particular hotel to arrange for a river taxi ride for us. It was really fun, to be honest. Haha, and it costs only 3 bucks per person.

We wanted to check out the makeshift flea market, but the stalls were somehow gone, so we spent an obscene amount of time at Kinokuniya Liang Court before heading home. I was bushed by the time I plopped on my couch to watch The Wedding Singer. Pretty good show. Typical romantic flick, but it succeeded in reducing me to tears anyway. I can be such a sap.

:) Night world.

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