Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I Wanna Soak Up the Sun

I Wanna Soak Up the Sun

Two of my colleagues are away on half-day today. Just as well, don't wanna pass my flu bug to them, haha. I've been having flu symptoms for several days, but what spurred me to pay the doctor a visit was a phenomenal burping process that start at 10 in the morning and went on all the way till 7 in the evening. 9 hours, what a feat. Especially since I don't burp, I fart. Haha!

Ah well, had to skip my run as it was pouring yesterday morning, and I couldn't do it today as I was hacking my lungs away. I had a really bad experience in Secondary 3 when I tried to run when I had a cough. Throughout the short 1.2km or so, I really thought I was gonna have an asthma attack.

It's been a pretty laidback day today. No deadlines due till Friday, and the inspiration to churn out a press release has yet to strike (if it ever does that is). Currently scouring the papers and tabloids for mention of Sentosa. Seems like there's yet another problem with the Discover space shuttle that took off yesterday. Sure hope it'll return to Earth safely.

Took a post-lunch walk on the beach today, and it was the first time in 1000 days I felt sun on my skin. FABULOUS. One day, one day, I'll bring my bikini to work. But I don't exactly look forward to feeling sticky and sandy back in the office post-beaching though. I'll give it some thought.
Went to see the bikini I've got my eye on as well, but was too lazy and full to try it on. Haha! Today is pay day.. so it'll be mine soon enough! :)

Coffeebean has opened an outlet on the island, yum. Now I can get a proper caffeine fix and not an unsatisfactory one from the (weird) pantry coffee.

Going to Clarke Quay's Food Fiesta with a couple of colleagues after work, and I'm bringing them to have Fisherman's Wharf for fish & chips first. I ought to be shot for having that for dinner, what with my sore throat and lack of exercise, but oh well, I only live once. =)

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