Monday, January 15, 2007

Sepia sunlight.

Sepia sunlight (no no does not mean yes).
feeling: ill
music: damien rice - cannonball

There must be something in the cards against me and my hall's sing & strum performance. I couldn't perform the last time 'cos of a bad throat and fever. The next performance's coming up, and I'm down with sore throat, yet again. What's up with that!

Just back from yet another CS rooftop gig. Coming out to the sight of flickering candles in the dusk was almost breathtaking. I'm just wondering if a cloudless sunset would have marred the soft candlelight? Cool breeze, live music, and a surprisingly starlit sky for company.

I remember the first time I encountered a star-filled sky. I was at the Tioman jetty, and for a few stunned moments, I was afraid to look. The abundance of stars was almost repulsive. Of course, first impressions never last.

That said, there is a kind of cultured beauty in star gazing in an urban landscape. This despite the million city lights competing with the stars, and the fact that you end up looking at the same few stars the whole night.

Life's weird that way.

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