Thursday, January 11, 2007

Leisure beats and lazy rhythms.

Leisure beats and lazy rhythms.
feeling: lazy
music: jack johnson - traffic in the sky

I've heard many a frustrated complaint about blogger being down the past couple of days, and I hope this post comes through.

School has started, but classes and work will only begin full swing next week. I've got nothing to rant about really. My exemptions were approved and I have wormed my way out of taking the painful CS816, as well as another 15 AUs worth of electives. This leaves me with empty Thursdays and half-day Fridays, and a lot more time to concentrate on my core modules and Spanish elective. I was initially a little apprehensive about taking a language this semester, but it seems like it'll work out fine with the extra free time I have. Hola Spanish. I am finally taking classes.

The introductory lectures for this semester core modules seem pretty promising. I particularly enjoyed the ones on PPC (advertising and promotion) and EBM (broadcast), and I am pretty psyched about taking pictures for the EBM assignment.

It's been a productive start to the new year. Many of my ideas have been translated into actions. Seems like I have left my penchant for procrastination back in 2006, and I hope it stays back there.

I woke up at nine, ran downstairs to collect my piano practical certificate, then came back up and spent the next hour and a half reading in bed. There ain't quite no better way to wake up, really. Lazy Thursdays. There won't be many more of you for I don't quite intend to while time away. Not this year. :)

Will Jack Johnson ever come to Singapore?

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