Wednesday, August 30, 2006


feeling: vexed.
music: john mayer - not myself

University life's a bigger transition than I'd thought it would be. I've been so busy keeping myself afloat in this sea of madness, I'm losing track of my goals and ambition. Once in a very long while, traces of my initial drive surface, only to be submerged by the waves of distraction. I started this new phase with a clear enough intention of how I wanted my life to be like but it seems like I'm on the highway towards the other end. Hopefully I'll find my way back to shore with time.

Caught up with Jem a bit over MSN yesterday and he said that I seem to having a whale of a time here at NTU. I don't think he's far from the truth but the initial hype seems to be fading, just as I'd expected it to.

Hostel life detaches me from life outside campus. There are so many people, people who keep me grounded, who I've been neglecting. My family, Jason, Ceci, Fagan, Marc... And I totally forgot about Ken's as well as my bitch's birthday. I'd really wish to spend way more time and attention than I do now on them all, but I know that I am already spreading myself a little thin.

"Take time off to be alone or something... swim, read a book..." Fagan just told me that. How apt. I'm really in need of some me-time, and I think my required doses of such times are slightly higher than most. I miss hanging out with Fagan. I haven't seen him in over a month I think! Anyway, he's being a sweetie, offering to commute all the way down to my obscure location sometime next week. Things are starting to look up. I need a dose of Fagan's logic!

My temper's gone wonky. Mood swings and what-nots are taking their toll. Had a chat with Ede, my roomie, earlier. It's surprisingly easy confiding in people I realised. Ting Yi has just reminded me that I am not alone.

Anyway, Ede and I are having a convo on msn. (I know, what the hell?) She said something stupid and I replied, "ROFL".
Ede (turning over to speak to me): You never roll.

HAHA! I'm so gonna be a walking panda tomorrow. Night world.

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