Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mild sunshine and bath lilies.

Mild sunshine and bath lilies.
feeling: well-rested
music: andy stochansky - 22 steps

My auntie's incredulous at the rate my bath lilies fall apart. "I use one, you use three. Don't know how you use." I'm extremely tickled. Maybe I am over-dilligent in scrubbing, but hey, it's all in the name of hygiene!

Wanna guess why I'm posting so early in the morning? Lanxi has called to postpone our 10am run to 1020.. so I've got a couple more minutes to kill. Thinking of her has me in stitches. Some of you would probably have heard of the "black cats, bulldog and fox" story I've related to so many times. ROFL. Let's see what she'll say today...

Shopping around Ikea with Charmain and Erwin yesterday has gotten me all excited about decorating my hostel room. I'd initially had the intention to move just the basic neccessities and spend my Year 1 life in a jailcell-like room, BUT I've changed my mind.

You see, I've acquired quite a stash of barang barang from my travels with the intention of redecorating my room when my dad finally gets around to repainting the walls and installing a new wardrobe. It's obviously not happening anytime soon so... what better way to test run the knick knacks than in my hostel room? It's all rather excting, imagine creating my own piece of paradise!

Speaking of hostel rooms, I've gotten my time-table. No free day like Charmain and Shannon I heard, but I'm pretty happy with the scheduling - I (almost) have a 4-day weekend! And I think Erwin and I have the exact schedules, so no walking around like a blind bat for me. I don't think I've actually admitted this before but having to start school being the only TP girl is extremely terrifying. Thank goodness it's all gotten better.

All right, time to hit the beach baby.

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