Monday, August 21, 2006

Pardon my grammar; i'm really tired.

Pardon my grammar; I'm really tired.
music: ryan cabrera - true

The weekend's passed by in yet another blur of events. Erwin's dinner on Friday night was a pretty laidback affair. Dinner at this beach shack along the beach, after which a bunch of us headed down to the coffee club for a cuppa.

I think I've played a tad too much through the week. A whole lotta stuff was waiting for me to settle over the weekend and I was really quite tempted to hole myself in my room on Saturday to set up the Mac, settle the rebate forms and do whatever I had to. I finally understand how difficult it can be juggling time between oved ones and impending work. Balance balance balance.
Anyway, work took a backseat like it should and I spent the afternoon with Jason before we joined Kelly, Xinkai and Mich C at Movies at the Padang in the night. It was a Saturday well spent I thought. I had my workout in the morning, some alone time with my boyfriend in the afternoon and a picnic in the evening with friends.

I obviously didn't get any work done last night and I was tempted to hole up in my room this morning. Then again, I hadn't had a meal with my folks in the whole week, thus to brunch with them it was. Which I'm glad I took the time out for.

I don't think I mentioned this... I'm blogging from my hall room! Which means my Macbook is all set up and connected and all. Woohoo.

Sleep's beckoning. Night world.

P.s. Will blog about the CS Homecoming. Extremely inspiring.

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