Monday, December 17, 2007

Ten days.

Ten days.
music: missy higgins - going north

The music was chosen with this blog post in mind.

Ten days to the big day, and I feel no less prepared than I was weeks ago. Amidst settling all the crappy prep work, fervently meeting up with a million and one people and preparing for the two Christmas dinners this weekend, the fact that I'm leaving hasn't quite sunk in yet.

In all honesty, I'd very much rather approach the 27th in this state of impassivity. I'd forgo the excitement if it means I'm spared from any sudden sick lurches in my gut.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way regretting my decision to go to India.

While the conditions here at home aren't exactly favourable for me to take off on a six-month sojourn, I don't see the need to forgo this... destiny. I know it sounds strange, especially if you aren't into alternative and spiritual explanations to life, but I think the time has come for me to visit the place I have visited in sleep.

I don't know what I'd find or learn that's of any relation to the kaleidoscopic fragments of those dreams. But I do know that it feels right, and that implacable restlessness that had plagued me in the past year has eased.

Maybe I won't find anything at all, but "I spent six months of my 21st year in India" sounds like a good tale to tell my future children. It'll make me that bit a cooler mom I think, haha!

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