Sunday, December 23, 2007

In good company.

In good company.
feeling: sentimental

The gang gathered at Downtown East for Fagan's 21st (finally his turn!) birthday bash.

Snaps with Marc, Jane and Ceci, while Fagan was off doing host duties. We all agree that Marc looks surprisingly dashing in the second picture.

Mucking around with Jane. First the kiss, then the touchy-feely...

Turning our noses up at the people peeping from upstairs, and scoffing.

No coming-of-age celebration's complete without getting creamed.

No one was spared, and Ceci whacked Marc straight on the forehead with a cream dart. Bull's eye babe!

Creamed and buttered.

The porn diaries part 1 and 2, shot by directors Kenneth and Marc Lee respectively.

Sitting in the coolness of the after-rain and laughing till our sides hurt at the most ridiculous of things felt so right. Twice, I almost burst into tears mid rib-splitting laughter because it felt so much like those lazy afternoon at the Business School benches, and because I knew it would be awhile before I enjoyed such company again.

Happy birthday Faggy!

To those present, get your pictures here.

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