Sunday, June 26, 2005

Stranger No More

Stranger No More

I've never been a fan of Japanese food. A few random bites in the past have developed a conditioned reflex to shudder at the mere thought of having to have Japanese for a meal. (The occasional supermarket sushi excluded.) And so, unlike many teenagers out there, I have never been to any of the sushi joints... until today.
The initial plan to get some sun morphed into a Japanese lunch at Sakae Sushi by Siloso Beach when Lanxi and I found the sun hiding behind the clouds. I'm probably one of the last in my generation to realise the difference between restaurant sushi and supermarket sushi, but man, it tasted pretty delectable. Now now now, don't go labelling me as a Japanese cuisine convert. Japanese food is not as detestable as I thought it to be. It's... okay. But it was an afternoon with a friend well spent, even though we didn't quite get the sunning we wanted. :)

Spent the late afternoon watching Miss Match on Star World. Missed Life After Baywatch as I wasn't home. Am I the only one addicted to these series? Haha.

Oh yes. Having been reading it through the week, I finally finished Midnight Jewels by Jayne Ann Krentz yesterday, a story revolving alot around martial arts and the theory of violence. In the afternoon, when I hit CH's pool for a quick swim, he told me all of a sudden that he wanted to do martial arts. Just when I thought I'd seen/heard the last of the art, Jason and I watched a martial arts movie while vegging out in front of his telly. Maybe it's a sign that am the Bruce Lee's next protege. Haha!

I foresee a pretty eventful work week ahead. I'll probably be spending more than half of my time at work tomorrow burning CDs and preparing for the IOC visit... and I'll be out on the island for quite a few days. Nothing better to prep me up than knowing stuff lies ahead. :)

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