Monday, June 13, 2005

Who am I?

Who Am I?

I miss reading inspiring or insightful blog entries. This could be attributed to the fact that work takes up such a huge part of my time, and the fact that a majority of my favourite bloggers are busy working as well. SIP is really different eh?

I just read Shaun's blog, and his latest entry made me nod and nod my head in agreement.
"All the world's a stage, and the men and women only players."

How many of us out there are 100% completely true anyway? To be honest, I don't know which part of me is real, and which is contrived. Haven't we all went through the "polite smile" situation where we smile for the sake of being diplomatic or nice?
Is there one single person COMPLETELY comfortable with himself/herself?

This is not the first time, but I am posing myself the BIG question.
"Who am I and where do I go from here?"
No, this is not some religious question (I am not a religious person), just something I yearn to find out, not from religion or some other source, but from myself.

Each weekday I wake up, dress and go to work. When work ends, I find that I've only got a couple of hours before I have to go to bed to be energized for the next day. The humdrum continues till the weekend arrives. I go "TGIF" and bam, the weekend disappears. The weekday-weekend routine continues.

It makes me ask myself if this is the way I want to live my life. A journalist on the road? A communications executive? A teacher? (Don't ask me how I got inspired.) A fitness instructor? I've even contemplated becoming a new-age guru.

And what what what is the meaning of life? (No suicidal subtleties here alright. Just an age-old question with an infinite answer.)

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