Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Saris and convocations (edited).

Saris and convocations (edited).

The PGP2 and RCM students officially graduated yesterday, and there was quite a bit of hoo-ha
as the ex-president of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam graced the event.

The PGP2s.


The convocation march through the lawn.

With the PGP1s - Ajinkya and Raghu.

She complained about my Goa entry, so here's a shot of Nuria without her trademark constrained smile, haha!

Raghu and I share quite a few classes, but we never got around to talking till last night. Better late than never I think.

Here's the quad all decked out in fairy lights.

With Gaurav, the corny Russell Peters of MICA who's also the gold medal winner of his RCM batch. My face looks kinda constipated as I had pan (an Indian mouth freshener/dessert wrapped in betel leaves) in my mouth.

That's me with Rishit and Himanshu from CCC. They look like schoolboys no?

This is Sanjukta. We met in the gym during my earlier days in MICA, and hit it off immediately exchanging yoga and fitness tips. Heh.

And this is Harshal, the 1.89metre giant.

I don't have that many pictures of the event, for moving around gracefully in a sari required serious skill. It was my first time in one (borrowed it from Ritu), and I was a little paranoid about ruining the delicate beading. Half the pictures in this entry were copped off Nuria, who was dressed in her S$100 silk kurta. Heh.

We bid Harshal goodbye earlier in the afternoon. Another TT/Chhota/badminton partner/friend has flown the coop.

For now, our dean's in town, and we're scheduled to meet him for dinner tonight. Hmm.

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