Sunday, April 13, 2008

Getting my groove back.

Getting my groove back.
music: kt tunstall - suddenly i see

picture from Roxy

It wasn't till B mentioned it in his email that it dawned on me that I had only 10 days left in MICA. 10 days before I bid this campus - so full of sunshine yet with so bleak a soul - goodbye. The weather's getting hotter with each passing day, and Erwin's speculating that the increasing heat could be the cause of our nasty moods. I'm not sure I agree with him, but my mood's improved significantly since my second-last post.

I must admit that I could have done a lot more with the insane amount of free time I had these few weeks. Like finishing up my many novels (less to lug home = less overweight luggage charges), watching the many movies on my hard drive, packing my luggage, and religiously practising yoga. I'd actually thought I'd be able to further my practice by coming to the land of yoga itself, but apart from a few downward dog poses a day, I've been embarrassingly undisciplined.

I would unroll my mat now if my stomach wasn't so full of oily fries and I weren't feeling so sleepy. For two nights now I've attempted sleeping at a more decent hour than the unearthly 4 or 5 a.m., but I've only succeeded in tossing around and tangling my sheets till past 3 a.m. And for two mornings now I've awoken before 9 a.m., and that leaves me very very sleep-deprived.

I've replied my emails, and gotten a firmer grasp of my Paris/Italy plans. I'm psyched, but the lethargy is kicking in. Time for a nap in the air-conditioned comforts of my room. A good respite from the scorching hot Indian summer.

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