Sunday, April 20, 2008

If you were a kiss I know I'd be a hug.

If you were a kiss I know I'd be a hug.

picture from

I'd put off watching Juno for the longest time, despite Erwin's constant goading. This may sound silly, but Juno sounds too much like the Japanese horror flick Ju-On for me to associate it with any feel-good effects.

Well, it is a lazy Sunday, my last here in MICA, and I'm quite glad I settled down to watch Juno instead of succumbing to a post-lunch nap. It's beautifully shot, and Juno (that's the lead character) is incredibly endearing despite her smart-mouthed comments. And it's got an awesome soundtrack of catchy tunes and quirky lyrics.

If My Blueberry Nights was a comforting slice of blueberry pie, Juno would be a bowl of cereal and strawberries. Wholesome feel-good sunshine for my Sunday.

It's turning out to be quite a fruitful weekend.

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