Monday, April 21, 2008

Packing woes.

Packing woes.

There are about a thousand jittery butterflies flitting about in my stomach, and I've awoken and tossed and turned too many times throughout the night to slip into proper slumber.

I can't figure out if it's the excitement of finally leaving MICA or the anxiety of all the packing that awaits that's keeping me awake. Perhaps a combination of both, in which case I'm gonna give the espresso industry a run for their caffeine-tinged money.

Three days till we leave the campus for good, and my room still looks very much inhabited. Clothes are still strewn across the chairs, my wardrobe's still stuffed to the brim, and my toiletries and knick knacks are still spilling over the dresser. Here, I should probably confess that I have acquired more barang barang than my other Singaporean counterparts.

What am I gonna do?

Okay, one step at a time. First, back to my morning routine to regain some balance. Off I go to the gym to do some thinking on the stationary bike.

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