Saturday, February 04, 2006


And I'll miss it all.

The HTM Olympics' back! It's refreshing to be playing instead of organizing it and it was also an opportunity to catch up with the Year 2 juniors in the Sentosa campus. I've missed them!

That's the ex-IG girls in the picture up there, minus Dawn who's home with sore eye. Lost in Captain's Ball, and while we would have liked to attribute it to us being handicapped with one less player, we know our stand. We were totally fooling around on the court and laughing our asses off. Lol.

Paired up with Jason in an impromptu badminton game. Boy, I hadn't touched my racket in ages and today's game reminded me just how easy it was to get hooked. It was also the first time Jason and I were playing together - kinda fun albeit a lil clumsy 'cos we kept going for the shuttlecock at the same time.

Boy, I'll miss it all.

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