Thursday, February 09, 2006

The emancipation of the kaypoh queen.

The emancipation of the kaypoh queen.

You know you could be a kaypoh queen when:
1. The boyfriend says "aiyoh, don't kaypoh already la" as often as his ilus
2. Your project mates christen you "exotic kaypoh princess"
3. A pal includes a tabloid magazine as a Christmas present
4. Tabloid magazines are passed over to you, usually accompanied by "I know you like them."

You know you are a kaypoh queen when:
1. You talk about a stranger's life like you were her best friend
2. You know shitloads about people you don't know
3. You stay awake at unearthly hours just to blog-surf
4. You're happy to be known as one

Hahaha. How's this for self-acceptance?

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