Friday, July 25, 2008

Have Friday afternoons lost their charm?

Have Friday afternoons lost their charm?

Remember how Friday afternoons were so special when we were kids? It meant that we were done with school for the week, and that we had two and half days of (adult-supervised) freedom to savour before bluesy Mondays lolled along.

For me, the last bell on Friday meant that it was time for me to head home with my swimming buddy, rush through our weekend homework, then head down to the pool where we'd spend hours paddling till our lips turned blue.

It's Friday today, and it feels like any other day. The afternoons have lost their charm. I'm getting a tad too nostalgic, so let's move on.

I snoozed the alarm and lazed in bed for a little too long yesterday, and ended up having to do my run in the increasingly-hot 11 a.m. sun. It wasn't the breeziest (in all sense) of workouts, but I was pretty chuffed to find out after mapping my run that I have covered 3.85km. That's about 1/3 of what we'll have to do come 26 October.

With just enough time for a cool-down and shower, I then zipped out to meet the CS babes for our long-awaited meetup. Having each trotted our own little part of the globe for the past six months, we overstayed our welcome at Sun with Moon, exchanging travel tales over our riverside Japanese lunch. Our overseas exchanges all seem like such distant memories, and it's almost surreal knowing that we all made it everywhere and back with no obvious trauma, haha!

(It's kinda cool that quite a few of us CS girls have signed up for 10km runs. Daph and Cheryl are tackling the Nike Human Race in August, while May, Charlene and I have individually signed up for the Great Eastern Women's Run.)

Later that evening, CH and Jemo came down to have dinner with Ceci and I before we caught Dark Knight (I'll skip the raving as i'm sure pretty much everybody has been told by somebody to catch the movie. Rest in peace, Heath Ledger.)

It's an absolutely pleasure to be in the company of friends so old and familiar that my thoughts required no censoring, from gripes about growing old to baseball/bleacher sex. Look at the last shot of Jem and I. Does the guy look like he's lost his "mojo"??? Hahaha. I'm not convinced.

Am waiting for Jinli to hop on the bus, for us to do a quick exchange of money and Ballet under the Stars tickets at my bus-stop. And later, it's to my babe's for chick flicks and tartiflette.

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