Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Falling asleep to the sunrise.

Falling asleep to the sunrise.

It's 3:51 a.m. now, and I'm still wide awake. Neither a yawn nor sleepy eyes, just a crick in my neck from watching one too many back-to-back episodes of America's Next Top Model. It's my guilty pleasure, and what keeps me entertained on these early mornings when sleep escapes me.

Six weeks frankly aren't a long time, but even though I've been back in Singapore for three nights now, I feel like I am living on Parisian time while physically existing in Singapore. I can't get to sleep till 6 a.m. (which translates to midnight in Paris), I get hungry at 1 a.m. (dinnertime in Paris), and I don't wake till 2 p.m. (8 a.m. in Paris). It's still bearable for now, but it's gonna be a bitch waking up for those 8:30 a.m. classes when school starts in three weeks, if this continues.

After a 2.5 month hiatus, I finally caught up with my bitch over seafood horfun and iced milo at Holland Village tonight. She's not going through the easiest of times right now, and being the crybaby between the both of us, I was almost uncomfortable being the one handing her the tissues. (I once wept my eyes out when she told me that a couple whom we barely knew were splitting up. I was 15, naive and hormonally-challenged, haha.) Tough as it may be right now, I'm sure she'd emerge from it all stronger and more like the bubbly girl I knew seven years ago.

I'm headed to the salon tomorrow, and I am pretty sure I'm gonna end up chopping my locks off. Daph said that it was the first thing she did when she return to Singapore from Sweden as well. I don't know what it is about Europe that makes our hair feel so darn heavy back here. I haven't hard shortish hair since I was 16, so it's gonna take a bit of getting used to. But change is good.

And in the night, I've got a dinner date with my local manwhore, who would hopefully be filling me in on the juice and scandals that have happened while I've been away.

On a different note, a very lucky Jason has been keeping in touch with photo updates of his adventure in Maldives. Imagine waking up to that view! I'm envious, but also extremely happy that he is doing well.

With that, I'm gonna try to slip into slumber. Hopefully the picture would inspire island dreams of white sandy beaches and clear turquoise waters, instead of the weird abstract and foreboding one I had last night.

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